The new CFS St. John’s facility will include specialized operational training spaces, offices and classrooms, vehicle maintenance facilities, special medical and dental facilities, storage and quartermasters’ facilities, fitness facilities, galley and dining space and messes for military personnel. The consolidation of the facilities will give local military units the work environment needed to support efficient and streamlined operations. The project is to consolidate the aging facilities into two new buildings — a main building for lodger units and a smaller standalone building for the Military Family Resource Centre — as well as a large military vehicle pool. The 4-storey main building will comprise approximately 24,000 square metres of floor area, with portions of the building being designed for the construction of additional floors to meet future requirements. The Military Family Resource Centre will be smaller, with a floor area of approximately 825 square metres. Both buildings too be designed to achieve a LEED Canada Silver Rating (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, a green building construction standard endorsed by the US and Canadian governments). VCL provided acoustic design input to the design team, specifically, sound isolation and mechanical noise and vibration control.