Mr. Matthew has a diverse background in Acoustics, and has done extensive work in the area of Architectural Acoustics. Prior to joining the Valcoustics team, Mr Matthew completed his M.Sc. in Audio Acoustics at the University of Salford in Manchester England.
He has extensive experience in Room Acoustics analysis and modelling. He has managed the acoustical design requirements including acoustic measurements, room modelling, analyses and preparation of recommendations for acoustic treatment for a wide range of applications including worship spaces, condominiums, museums, and open offices.
Mr. Matthew also regularly manages projects in the areas of environmental noise and vibration, and is project manager for the Metrolinx Union Station to Pearson Air Rail Link construction monitoring project that includes over 50 remote-controlled noise and vibration monitors. Mr Matthew was an active contributor for NPC-300 (currently in draft form) as well as drafting a number of other noise guidelines, standards, and By-Laws.