Valcoustics Canada Ltd. is a consulting engineering firm specializing in acoustics, noise and vibration control in a variety of fields. We have been serving our clients for more than a half century. A short list of some notable projects is as follows:

Theatre & Studio Acoustic Design
- Museum of Civilization, Hull
- National Gallery, Ottawa
- Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) Renaissance Expansion, Toronto
- CTV/IBC London Olympic Studio 2012
- Anechoic Chamber – Radiation Protection Laboratory, Ottawa
- Durham Admin Facility, Whitby
- Barrie Arena
- Knicks-Liberty-Rangers Training Centre, New York
- Durham Consolidated Courthouse, Oshawa
- Canadian Museum of Human Rights, Winnipeg
- CFS St. John’s Pleasantville Consolidation, Newfoundland
- Nova Scotia Power Corporate Office, Halifax

Legislation, Policies, Guidelines, & Standards
- Ontario Ministry of the Environment Guideline Review (draft NPC-300), 2009
- Ontario Ministry of the Environment Compliance Protocol for Wind Turbine Noise (2011)
- Haldimand County Noise By-law, 2008
- Town of Mono Noise By-law, 2003
- Ontario Ministry of the Environment Guideline for Assessing Audible Noise from High Voltage Electricity Transmission Lines, 2011
- Courthouse Acoustical Design Standards, Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General
- Courthouse Acoustical Design Standards, incorporated into Work Environment Planning Study, Federal Court of Canada
- Sound Isolation Study for Proposed Revisions for Ontario Building Code (1989), Ontario Ministry of Housing
- Sound Control Chapter in Condominium Construction Guide (1991), Ontario New Warranty Program/Ontario Ministry of Housing/Ontario Hydro
- Development of City of Toronto Noise By-law (1975) and Revisions (1993)
- Traffic Noise Chapter in Manual of Geometric Design Standards for Canadian Roads (1986), Roads and Transportation Association of Canada

Expert Witness Testimony
- Durham Pickering Siren System
- CN Stuart Street Rail Yard, Hamilton
- Redpath Sugar/ Toronto Waterfront Redevelopment
- Sheppard Subway – Yonge to Victoria Park, North York
- Hollinger Pit, Timmins
- Highway 401 Widening, Toronto
- Concorde Square, North York
- Keele Valley Landfill Expansion, Vaughan
- Pearson International Airport Runway Expansion, Toronto
- Toronto Transit Commission Light Rail Noise Study
- Cathedral Community, Markham
- Warden Power Centre Redevelopment, Scarborough

Land Use Assessment & Permitting
- Durham Pickering Siren System
- CN Stuart Street Rail Yard, Hamilton
- Redpath Sugar/ Toronto Waterfront Redevelopment
- Sheppard Subway – Yonge to Victoria Park, North York
- Hollinger Pit, Timmins
- Highway 401 Widening, Toronto
- Concorde Square, North York
- Keele Valley Landfill Expansion, Vaughan
- Pearson International Airport Runway Expansion, Toronto
- Toronto Transit Commission Light Rail Noise Study
- Cathedral Community, Markham
- Warden Power Centre Redevelopment, Scarborough

Construction Noise & Vibration Monitoring
- Georgetown South Expansion (Union Pearson Air Rail Link)
- 365 Wallace Avenue, Toronto (Residential Condominium)
- TTC Spadina Subway Extension
- 133 Hazelton (Residential Condominium), Toronto
- Orillia Public Library
- High Park Condo, Toronto
- Waterdown Road Elementary School
- FLO Condominium (28 Avondale Avenue, Toronto)

Building Design – Noise & Vibration
- Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto
- Brampton Civic Hospital (William Osler)
- Simcoe Place/RBC Centre, Toronto
- College Park/Aura III, Toronto
- Emerald City, Toronto
- Canada Harbour Place, Vancouver
- Petro Canada Building, Calgary
- Stauffer Library – Queen’s University, Kingston
- Metro Toronto Convention Centre Expansion
- K-Rock Centre, Kingston
- Nue Multiplex Cinemas, Pakistan
- Sony Center – IMAX Theater, Berlin

Wind Turbine Noise Assessment & Monitoring
- Napier Wind Project
- Offshore Wind Turbine Noise
- Enbridge Wind Project
- Grand Valley Wind Farm
- Keechi Wind Farm, Jacksboro
- St. Columban Wind Project, Huron County
- Plateau Wind Farm,Melancthon
- Marsh Line Wind Farm, East Dover
- Talbot Wind Farm, Ridgetown
- Raliegh Wind Farm, Chatham-Kent
- Bear Mountain Wind Farm, Dawson Creek
- Dover Wind Farm, Chatham-Kent
- Minnesota Pleasant Valley Wind Farm